“Unlocking the Path to Quality Sleep: Recognizing the Alarming Signs and Solutions for a Healthier Life”

3 min readOct 31, 2023


Morning sunlight is essential for our circadian rhythm and sleep schedule
Morning sunlight

If you are the one who struggles with sleep apnea or lack of sleep , then this is for you to unlock the path to quality sleep which will lead you to healthier life. We have been told since childhood that sleep is a crucial element for a healthy life. Sleep relaxes your body and mind both. Here are some signs that help you understand that you need quality sleep:

1. Feeling tired on waking up from sleep:

Do you feel tired in the morning? Look at your face in the mirror when you wake up. You feel your skin soft ,fresh and beautiful eyes? If yes, you had a good night’s sleep. You need to work on your lifestyle if not.

Lack of sleep is related to mood swings
Lack of sleep

2.You feel irritated even after sleep :

You are tired as well as irritated in the morning. Your fuse blows up when things don’t fall in place.

3. You are in a sleepy mood most of the day:

You feel an urge to sleep during work time. You need more coffee during the day.

4. You are getting those feel real dreams in the morning.

Many of us must have noticed this. Sometimes

5 You want to go to the loo quite often during the night.

So, you are well analyzed of your own sleep. You can use smart watches with sleep analysis function to watch out for you while you are dreaming. They give you quite an impressive analysis. It will tell you how much deep sleep you were in. How much partial sleep and awake time perfectly. Try it.

If you are getting real dreams , watch out for your mental peace. You are somewhere worried or afraid of something. Or just thinking the whole day about some particular thing. I am so sure you will feel relaxed with meditation. I have seen people getting into deep sleep after meditation. There are many guidededitation available for before bed time. Even I recommend Meditation and breathing exercises called Pranayama at least for 10 mins everyday. They work magic. They will relax you and even help you to clear your mind on work.

Try to avoid negative thoughts thoughtfully. This is my one of the well tried tested techniques. Just watch out for your thoughts or your words. When you are aware of it you will notice it is better to not say or think. Believe me They are the culprits.

There are many other reasons for lack of sleep. Physical inflammation is one of those.

Take medical advice if you need to. It will definitely help. Sedentary lifestyle is one of the main reasons for you not getting sound sleep. If you have to sit or do nothing the whole day, Get your training shoes and hit the gym. Or play your favorite outdoor sport .Exercise will give you that happy hormone rush. Do at least one of your favorite things in a day whether it is shopping, walking, sightseeing, gossiping with friends, hanging out with buddies or that intimate bed time with your partner.

Morning exercises and stretchings

Analyze yourself. Where it is going wrong. As an adult You need a good 7 hour’s sleep. If not, at least 6 hours of quality sleep is important. Seek medical help if you’re not even near to it.

Remember sound mind leads to sound sleep and ultimately sound Healthy body.

This is purely my observation and reading. Have you also experienced similar symptoms anytime in your life?




Writer by Passion | Content Writer| Nutritionist | Electronics Engineer| Yoga| Meditation| Health-Fitness | Parenting | Mother |Baby Care |Philosophy