Society is Hard for Men too

3 min readOct 13, 2022


I am always been feminist. Maybe because I have seen a real patriarchal society since childhood. When I started building my own thoughts I got some strong views about almost every social topic. When I read about few famous feminist personalities I started realizing that ooaa Seems I am feminist as well..

Being feminist doesn’t mean you hate Men or boys. Femi ist is the one who tries to be equal in society and not one who tries to prove herself smarter than the other gender.

We have different body structures and hormones. Men think little differently than women. Women are more emotional .They think broadly. Whereas Men have more muscle power, they are more straight forward in thinking. Females have all things one mother would need. Also obviously we can’t fit all Men and women in just two frames. There are innumerable types .So we have differences but yet Male and female are the same species of the homo genus. We are all homo sapiens. We are different but one.

We stay in society . We made groups called societies to help each other after all humans are social animals. But somewhere we put a lot of restrictions on ourselves under the concept and rules of society. Society is made up of us Humans. However, this society puts us in different categories . This society told us who we should be and who we shouldn’t be. Society puts different restrictions on us in our actions ,our desires ,our dreams, our hobbies. On almost everything. If we see the history of humans .It was not always the case. We were free. We were fearless . Even currently there are few tribes in forests who live really close to who we were. This society has put pressure not only on women but also on men. We can see the pressure on men to be good at something. To earn money as soon as they pass out college ,so that they can feed their family. There is even more pressure on women too.

Where does this society come from?

Why do we sacrifice so many of our Desires just to please the Other people? Why can’t we just do things we want to do? Why are men always blues and Women are always pinks?

Nevertheless, New generation is getting aware of this fact. Let’s support them. Let’s teach them the difference between rights and wrongs. In spite of Telling what should be right and what should be wrong.

We have seen what the generation gap feels like. Let’s freeze this chain and why not we evolve instead of pulling this new generation back.

Teach them human values and our evolving culture, not the one keeping them thousands of years back and telling them you are a man should do this and you are a woman you should do this

Humans are thinking animals. Our brain is our biggest asset.

Think about it.




Writer by Passion | Content Writer| Nutritionist | Electronics Engineer| Yoga| Meditation| Health-Fitness | Parenting | Mother |Baby Care |Philosophy