Decision Making made easy

3 min readOct 26, 2022


What to do?

I was just chilling at home. Husband made tea for us .We were talking about our life and plans for our jobs and other career things .Which country should we move to next, etc.. Somehow I Started to wonder , how did I make few decisions in my life at a certain time! Now I feel I was so stupid to think that way. Other hand, the big decisions I took without thinking twice or without caring much for the future turned out to be the best one. Why so?

I realized Few decisions we make practically and few we make emotionally or what we say by heart.

The decisions for which we think too much, we think about all the pros and cons ,we think about every possible consequence that may follow afterwards, these decisions might make us regret someday in life.

But The decisions which we take because we feel so, we loved that, we wanted that by heart , those never make us regret in life. Even if the result turns out as not expected , it will never make you regret it.

I had my baby at a very young age. I decided to have one by heart and later on it cost me my career. But I don’t regret it. I am happy that I had my baby at that time. Whereas I sacrificed my career later again, this time it was a practical decision. Now I regret it enough.

You all must be having such decisions in your life . Some you regret. Some you don’t. Just observe those. Observe the circumstances you were in that time. Recall why you made that decision. Was it your heart asking for it or you were very practical that time?

You will see the difference .Of Course not everything will fall under one rule ; But for me most of them are. I don’t regret those which I took on my own and not by listening to others. Its not like that each and every decision we should make by heart. There are certain circumstances where we can’t decide by our heart like sometimes in office. There your decision will have to be aligned with company rules and regulations and in benefit of company.

I am talking about your life decisions. The decisions we make for our studies like what subject to chose, what sector I would like to join. Then decisions we make to marry, to work, to chose the job, to leave the job, etc. Also sometimes decisions will depend on your values, culture and your upbringing. There is difference in your cultural values and your own values on which you actually believe. Anyways coming back to topic, just recall your decisions. Are you happy with those? Even if you regret those , you have to face the consequences it created .There is no way out. After all those were your decisions. Right?

Henceforth , Think what you want. What your heart wants. Then take a step. Avoid making decisions without your will and just for the sake of other people.

I would like to hear your experiences too.

Thanks for reading.




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